Welcome to the Oceania International Cyber Security Challenge Qualifiers 2025. Please read the rules before you start hacking
Now for the detailed rules. Please read the rules before you start hacking.
CTF Rules:
- The flag format is described using this regex:
- The following is a sample of a valid flag. Any flag not in a similar format is a false flag.
- You’re participating individually. You shouldn’t get any help from others to solve challenges. We have a zero-tolerance policy on cheating.
- DDoS attacks are strictly prohibited.
- You are not allowed to brute-force any challenge on a server, unless specified otherwise. In the pwn category, a sprinkling of brute-force is acceptable, but do not attempt to brute-force more than 8 bits of entropy.
- Collaboration between competitors is not allowed.
- Flag hoarding is not allowed. Any hoarding of flags will result in disqualification.
- Decision taken by organisers in Oceania International Cyber Security Challenge Team regarding all disputes is final.
Ground Rules:
- Follow our general code of conduct at https://austiccquals.uqcloud.net/code_of_conduct.pdf.
- Posting flags in any channel, even after the competition, is strictly prohibited.
- Please do not share links for pirated software, books or tools.
- Keep the content SFW (That includes usernames).
- Do not post write-ups until the CTF is over.
- Do not hack the CTF infrastructure.
- Do not advertise other CTFs/Discord servers/events without asking an organizer/admin.
- Violation of any of the rules may lead to deletion of the messages, or even getting banned from the Discord server and OICC 2024.
- Regarding all disputes, the decision by admins is final.
- IMPORTANT: Have fun!
How do I get help/Do you have an issue with a challenge? Jump into the discord channel for your challenge category and ask for help with the challenge. One of the organisers will get in contact with you.
Thanks to the organizers of https://downunderctf.com/ for letting us use their rules as a template.